Sub-Conscious Monsters

Unleashing the sub-conscious monsters!

This is my first blog. I just discovered blogger a few moments ago and still am discovering how amazing it is. It is a much needed channel for one's conscious and more more importantly sub-conscious thoughts. 

These sub-conscious thoughts are the ones which run through our mind and control our moods at times, when we aren't actually focused on completing a schedule driven project and when there isn't a deadline ridden sword hanging over our throats. These thoughts make us feel emotions in our conscious life, even though they aren't actually present in the conscious mind space, which feels like an intricately designed marionette. These emotions we feel when we are lonely or taking a break, can't be actually explained to some train of thought to our conscious pragmatic self, but are actually attributed to the string handlers at the back of our brain. The monsters! So to deal with them, we first have to identify them and when one writes, they are actually with oneselves, which gives them a chance to be real and dive deep in their own minds. So lets nosedive right through!


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