Own Every One of It

2329 hours

I was making my Management Information Systems presentation dreadfully, trying to register what the study on a conglomerate wanted to say.. I am extremely sleepy and its like I am fed up of life as it appears to be to me. 

I am whining about the deadline and wailing about the exasperating imposition brought upon me against my will by an anarchist society of narcissistic hypocrites, who are constantly suffering in the unnerving state of anxiousness trying to put a veil on their inner creepy commoditistical cravings by projecting a dissimilar sense of confidence and giving fuel to this devilish cycle of cynicism looping around the constructive fragmental strings of the world's so called society.

And then the guard came in for taking my attendance. He had every right to be as cynical and worried about the ever changing hacked state of the seventh ring of hell that we call our world. But yet he chose to take the unforeseeable Jetstream. He. Was. Happy

He might have had no visible reason for being happy and maybe had a million to not be. But yet he felt happy. Not looked. But felt. Why? Because he could be. Because he was alive. Sometimes it may feel that being alive is just not enough. Hell it may always seem like it. But isn't it more than enough? To be alive. Just think. In an uncountable continuum of anonymity, one just has a speck of life. Just a tiny portion of the thinnest strand out of the unnatural number of strings of reality. You have 2 choices. Whine about it or just breathe and feel it. It may seem to be unworthy at times. But the unworthiest of the moments lead to every other moment which is made for you. Only You. So own every one of it.
