The Summer of '18

2254 hrs. 

Today is the last day of my summer vacation of the year 2018. It was a long one. But didn't feel like one!

It was full of traveling this time more than just sitting at home. First we went to Lamjana for 3 days. It was fun. Especially the feeling of sleeping beneath the embracing night sky, filled to the brim with the sparkling shine of twinkling stars. It was a mesmerizing experience.

Then we went to my grammi's house in pune. Those were the days I am gonna remember. They were full of memories. New memories. Happy ones. Mixed ones. Sad ones. All of them shaken up together in my mind reminding me the value of family in our journey. We were there for 10 days. Felt more like a few seconds.

I was practicing a bit of python for 1-2 hours everyday. Also learned a bit of unity from Mamaseth. It was good. Found a new world in unity.

Then I was back at home to then leave for another 12 days. Those were really full of some long rides with a not so good driver. But we had gr8 fun with nature. I couldn't believe the sights in front of me, which looked taken right from some expensive magazine's middle page pics.

My bike came on 21st June. I was not sure if I was going to be able to handle it. I must tell you, it was liberating. Then we were off to Tirupati. Maza aya.

After that, I can't remember my days. Just can't. Everyday I have done something, but just can't remember. It's amazing how time becomes non existent without any events or goals. But I do know this.. It does not mean if I can't remember a day from my life, that the day was not good enough to be remembered. No. It means that I have lived that day and it lead to this day. So whatever happened may have had some effect on today. So it had to be and is important.
