You Don't Need To Worry

1659 hrs.

Today the journey ended. The journey which I cherished when started, has ended today. It was a chapter of my life where I literally changed the course of my life. I learned. Learned a lot. First thing I learned was to not be afraid. I was open to the experience with all my heart and received much more than I could ever hold on to. I explored new avenues of myself. I was brave in situations. Not because I was inherently purely brave. But because I felt I had no other option. That became a habit. To be brave in instances where I had no clue what to do. Facing new people every day. In a city where you had never set foot before. In an environment which I had never imagined I would be. Alone. With no friends. With no amenities. Without your parents. Because for a boy who was still a child, this was the biggest challenge he had ever seen. How the hell did I do this!

I believed in only one thing. After you have taken a decision and you know in your heart that it is the right decision, you ignore all the bad things that happen to you in that path. You start to look at the good things only. And if something bad happens, like getting hostel F, you ignore it and start molding yourself. You start compromising in places where you can because you believe in the power of your decision and everything that can happen after that only happens for your own good since you are moving towards your goal. All things happen so that the plan gets fulfilled and you are happy with every good or bad thing happening to you. One area where I improved a lot is that I never hesitated to speak to new guys. I always was ready with, "Hi. Mai abhishek. Tumhara naam kya hai.." That's it. That's all is needed. I found so many influencers so many friends. Even people with bad intentions. I learned to judge them. I learnt to make good friends. I found people similar to me. Tushar, Anshul, Ankit, Saurabh, Rishu, Bhallal. Friends who I could give everything away for.

I could never have imagined that I could get so much out of my life after I had to leave my life, as I knew it, behind. Getting into NIT was not called for. I don't know how I got into it! But I did and it changed my life. I learned that sometimes to move forward in life you have to have a heart of stone. You have to literally control your heart beating out of your body. You learn to be tougher than you ever were. 

Every time I landed in Raipur. In the cab back to the hostel. I would feel weak. I would feel helpless. Then I just used to conjure magical courage in my heart. To be tougher than the time. To be tougher than any other version of myself. Why? Cause it needed to be done and I don't need to make excuses. I used to divert my attention to important things and just neglect everything else. New hostel new people, friend groups already formed. How do I talk to new people? No need to over hype the situation. Do your thing. Don't focus on anything you can't change. Just believe that there is already a plan set for you and everything that happens with you and around you are happening in the best possible way and that's why it IS happening. All you need to do is be positive, work hard, be determined, and hope for the best! You won't get anywhere without hard work and determination.

Remember life is like a up and down hilly curve. It goes up, you feel good, it goes down and you feel sad. But nothing is ever stationary. High WILL turn into low and low WILL into high. Just remember you must be the constant in this equation. You can't be too sad or too happy as things change around you. You remain the same positive thinking guy. When you have a reason to be worried, then you can take tension. I can't say don't get tense cause that is not in your hand. But if you have done all that you can. You don't need to worry.
