What now?

17:30 hrs

This is some self motivation that I wrote when I was down and out. Helped me a lot. Hope it also helps you in some way.

Whatever you have is whatever you have. Nothing more nothing less. If that’s enough you will get admitted. Otherwise, its’ just hard luck. No point in fretting over what could have been. Make the best of what you have. Things will never be perfect. You have got to roll with it and see what number pops up. If you don’t roll, nothing will pop up. Accept who and what you are. Accept what you have done until now. Accept that whatever you have done is enough for what is planned for you. Don’t compare yourself with others. There wasn’t anyone with you while you were going through your journey. So, you were walking alone on your path. You took the best decision that was possible at each point in time. 

Trust your decisions. You haven’t achieved nothing. You have worked hard in each project. You have given valuable inputs wherever possible and conditions were never perfect, but remember that you still got things done and that is what matters. You might have slacked in between due to many factors but now’s not the time to contemplate on that. 

Its do or die. Nothing else matters now. It’s the final stretch. Everything about the past 5 months has been towards this. Your whole life was aimed towards this. You just have to present it all. Remember how you would imagine being somewhere important and taking important decisions. 

Well, this is it. These are the death overs. Your score will be defined by your finishers. You have to be explosive at the death. You will be nervous. You will be afraid. You will be tense. You will have sleepless nights. You will be distracted. You will be anxious. Its’ gonna be the toughest of the times. But the best finisher has a solution..

M S Dhoni: "These emotions come to everyone. It is natural for humans. Maybe the plans were not executed well. Maybe the plan was not good enough. Maybe there was no plan to begin with. But you have got to think that at this point of time that none of these emotions are constructive right now. They won’t help you in the process" 

You just have to think, what can be done right now. “Abhi kya karna hai?”. And when you do this, you control your emotions in a much better way. And when your emotions are under control, your thinking is more constructive. Also, this will let you think more about the process than the result because result can put undue pressure on any individual.


  1. Abhi Khana pina aur aesh karna hai...

  2. Well said "live in the moment, do your part and rest will take care by superpower"


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