One Link at a Time

There was a radio host, who used to say positive things everyday. He had given a 15-min talk everyday for 20 years. A listener got the chance to interview him. The listener had never heard the same thing twice and he was curious as to how had the host managed to do this everyday for all these years, while staying original.

The host replied that whenever he used to sit to write the whole week’s material, he would never get around writing anything. He would get stuck about thinking how much he had to write and get paralysed by the burden. Then he would think that he only needs to write 1 page right now. Starting with just one sentence. And as he would see, in no time, the pages would write themselves. He would be done with the whole week’s content. He also managed to get more time to finish 7 books in the past 15 years.

The chain of destiny is forged one link at a time. You should never think too ahead after planning your direction. Once you start focussing on each small task, the bigger picture takes care of itself. All you need to do is focus completely on the current task. 

The universe never gives you things that are more than you can handle in the given time. You always have more than enough time to complete all that is there to be completed. Nelson Mandela said, “It always seems impossible, until it's done”.

- Based upon 365 Recipes of Thinking Positive (Alan Cohen)


  1. Absolutely agree! The power of focus is undeniable and key to success.


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